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Species We Guide For

  • Sea-Run Cutthroat Trout: Sea-Run Cuts spend most of their time in the ocean, and migrate into fresh water to feed and or to spawn. They enter the rivers at all times of the year but primarily in summer through fall when waters are warmer and at much lower flows. These Sea-Runs are incredibly feisty, love both hitting big dries on the surface, and large steamer patterns underneath. Pound for pound are great fighters. Average size 10 to 15 inches with the largest (most infrequent) near 20 inches.


  • Resident Cutthroat Trout: Resident Cutts spend most or all of their life in the river. They range in size from 5 to 15 inches and may be a little more selective in their feeding habits but one true fact about trout on the OP, they love big surface imitations!


  • Rainbow Trout:Fewer and far between than the Sea-Run or Resident Cutthroat. Rainbow trout of the OP are fast, hot, wild fish. Great fun and put on their best aerial display once hooked. Average size 5 to 16 inches.


  • Summer Steelhead:These are sea-run rainbow trout. Summer Steelhead coming from the ocean enter the river in the summer from June to as late as October migrating up river to spawn. Averaging 5lbs to 12lbs summer steelhead are incredibly fast and strong for their size and put the heat to any reel. We use lighter fly lines and often fish smaller flies. For rods, we can get away with using single handed rods but at times might prefer smaller/lighter spey rods. (Your guide can provide all rods if needed)


  • Summer run steelhead are no longer as abundant as they once were decades ago. Even for an advanced angler if you catch one a day you are doing great! But this makes it so much more special when you do catch one. If you’re new to fly fishing, Steelhead fishing may not present the best sport as it is very difficult even for advanced anglers to find and hook these rare catch fish… if you don’t mind a high probability of not seeing a fish and would like to learn how to fish for steelhead, than we would love to take you out. Who knows, with a guide your chances are dramatically improved! Our summer runs average 5lbs to 12lbs. Also, we do have a summer hatchery/stocked run in a few of our rivers.


  • Coho Salmon: AKA "Silvers" Coho offer great sport opportunity through summer into fall. They fight hard, and are great fun on a fly rod. Though we do book trips specifically targeting Coho, they are also often caught while fishing for summer run steelhead or early winter run steelhead. Average size ranges from 5lbs to 12 lbs. But some can be upwards of 20lbs!


  • Chinook Salmon: AKA King salmon/ AKA Springer. “King Salmon” is just a name for “Chinook” / “Springer” is just a Chinook that arrive in the Spring / Fall Chinook arrives in the Fall. Chinook are the largest of our Salmonid species with the largest upwards of 50lbs! Chinook salmon live at sea for a few years then make their migration into the rivers to spawn at specific times of the year based upon ocean and river conditions. Chinook salmon can range greatly in size. Average size range of adult Chinook salmon 10lbs – 30lbs. Chinook can be very difficult to catch on a fly, and only those looking for an unsure challenge search out these fish on a fly